Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cabbage Patch fashion!

My daughters take after their mummy - Sophie is modelling the cute outfit my mum Anne knitted - it is a stripey hooded cardigan with heart buttons, and knitted warm black pants to match! Mum did a lovely job! Sophie is wearing booties that her Auntie Kate sent down all the way from Burnie xx
Claire is modelling her green sandals with matching bag and sun visor! Claire is enjoying the Winter weather by staying in her pjs and dressing gown to keep warm!
Fun fun fun in cabbage Patch land today!
Thank you everyone for the lovely comments on my daughters! :-)
The girls are comfy on my cane chair which recently had a makeover from an old bean bag cover!

1 comment:

  1. Your mum sure did a great job on the knitted hoodie cardigan, how adorable are those little heart buttons!!

    I am glad Sophie is wearing her blue booties!
    You did such a good job with that chair cover, was such a good idea to use the bean bag cover....keep up the good work!! :-)
